Acquisitions & Collections Services
Selector Resources

Usage Statistics for E-Resources
Interested in learning more about what usage statistics are and how they can be useful to you? Check out our guide!
E-Resources Budget Center Trackers
Here you’ll find detailed information about the subscriptions in your budget center, including cost and usage statistics.
Materials Budget Reports
Our Accounting team maintains detailed budget reports that are updated on an annual basis.
Firm Ordering
Selectors may submit order requests by selecting a title in Rialto Marketplace or by using the Firm Order Request Form.
Paying for Library Materials & Resources with Endowment Funds
Course Reserves
Request books and other materials through ARES.
Lost Replacement
Information about our lost replacement policies.
Reimbursement for Library Materials Purchased with Personal Funds
Learn how to check your free balance in Alma, Select Titles for Order in Rialto Marketplace, and more!
One handy location for all the forms, including the Lost Replacement Form, the Gifts Form, and more!
Troubleshooting E-Resource Access Issues
Unsure who to contact? Check out our nifty Communication Fact Sheet.
UF Alma/Primo
Helpful resources and links