Welcome to Primo!

On July 13, 2021, UF joined the public colleges and universities of Florida by upgrading our core library discovery platform.  The new platform, Primo, is truly a next-generation integrated library system, offering responsive design and an enhanced user experience.  

You can find a helpful overview of Primo here.  

While our new platform promises an overall improvement for library discovery, it requires a significant amount of labor and intervention to actualize this promise.  Most tasks that will allow us to populate the new system with our e-resources holdings could not be started until we went live with the new system on July 13th.  Please be assured that the E-Resources Unit staff are working diligently to field and report access issues and to populate Primo with the hundreds of thousands of ebooks, ejournals, databases, and other e-resources you know and love.  We encourage you to continue to report access issues via Grover and er-help@uflib.ufl.edu.  You may notice a delay in our ability to resolve these issues.  This is not only due to the necessity of relying on outside entities to troubleshoot and resolve many issues, but also because we are still learning.  Even if we are unable to resolve an issue quickly, we will provide direct links to content whenever possible and we will provide regular updates. 

Please see below for information on known issues.  We are grateful for your compassion, support, and empathy as we work to build Primo into the system we know she can be.

Known Issues and Expectations

This list is not exhaustive, but we provide you with an overview of the most prominent and widespread issues currently known.  Continue to report e-resources access issues through Grover or er-help@uflib.ufl.edu.  We will update this list regularly:

1. General access to e-resources: we’ve received several reports that users are unable to find or access e-resources in Primo that they were able to find in our previous systems.  As noted above, we are hard at work populating Primo with our vast e-resources holdings.  This will take time.  This is not a failure of the new platform or an indication that it is faulty, but rather a reality of migrating the entirety of our holdings from one system to the next.  

2. Article-level linking to EBSCO databases:  links in Primo to articles in EBSCO databases lead to an EBSCO login screen.  This issue only affects some EBSCO databases such as MLA International Bibliography, but not all.  A resolution is in progress.  In the meantime, we recommend accessing EBSCO databases from the A-Z database list.  

HathiTrust display in Primo:  this is not an “issue”, but rather a note on what to expect.  When searching for HathiTrust records in Primo, use the “Everything” search scope.  In order to retrieve results for content to which UF users do not have access, choose “Expand My Results”–this will retrieve records that can be obtained via interlibrary loan.

**In addition, FALSC has confirmed several issues affecting e-resources in Primo and they are keeping a running list here; please check back regularly for updates.  

Primo Issues Resolved

  • Find it @ UF button:  In PubMed, the Find it @ UF button is leading to an error page or to the old EBSCO results page.  RESOLVED.
  • Links to Ovid ejournal content leading to errors.  RESOLVED.
  • Springer ebooks:  titles to which we do not have access are discoverable in Primo.  RESOLVED
  • Find it @ UF button in Google Scholar:  If these links are still leading to EBSCO’s link resolver page, users can update their settings so that Find it @ UF leads to Alma’s link resolver.  In Google Scholar, choose Settings from the menu in the upper left-hand corner (the three horizontal lines); then choose Library Links, and choose the option labeled “University of Florida-Find it @ UF – Find it @ UF”.  Uncheck any other “Find it @ UF” options and click Save.
  • Article-level linking to MIT Press journals content:  links in Primo to articles on the MIT Press platform lead to an error screen. RESOLVED